Hello there! I'm Nadia and I'm really glad that you found me.
Like many of you, I've had times in my personal and professional life when I've felt like the rug has been pulled out from under me and I know that feeling of 'now what?'. It's not fun. I understand how easy it is to cling to old familiar patterns just because they are predictable and how easy it is for a job title, relationship or external status to become your identity. My own journey has taken me through bullying, bereavement, divorce and redundancy and those emotional battles between numbness and overwhelm. These experiences helped me grow and develop genuine compassion and empathy. I now have a deep appreciation for The Journey and I recognise that every single one of us has a unique path.
I founded my practice on the principles of hope, harmony, and kindness. For me, life is not just about reaching a destination but embracing the journey - and it's twists and turns - with an open heart and a curious mind.
In my experience, life transitions, whether it's relationship changes, relocating, a career shift or reinvention, can be emotional, challenging and difficult but it can also be inspiring, uplifting and fun. Believe it or not, laughter can be had in coaching and therapy. There's balance in all things.

I work in alignment with my values and that means you'll be treated with kindness, compassion and respect from our first contact.
You'll be in a safe, non-judgemental space and your unique self will be encouraged to come out, be recognised, acknowledged and to shine bright.
I look forward to working with you for a positive and empowered future!
I offer sessions online, by phone (coaching only) and in person in central Worthing and Shoreham.
Evening and weekend sessions are available so the 9 to 5 doesn't need to stand in your way.