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Healing After Heartbreak: How Coaching Can Guide You Through a Breakup

Wooden path gently winding through grass and woodland.
Wooden path gently winding through grass and woodland.

The ending of a relationship is often a time of difficult and complicated emotions. For some there’s hurt, heartbreak and loss, for others there’s relief or even elation and others may just feel drained and numb. There isn’t a straight forward set of feelings and thoughts that accompany a breakup. It’s complicated. Whether it’s an end that’s heart wrenching, anticipated or welcomed, the majority will experience a vast degree of turmoil for some time.

Being in a relationship can quickly become a part of your identity. You were someone’s partner and that was a part of who you were. The end of the relationship marks an end to that part of your identity and can leave you wondering who you are now. Who are you without them? It’s time to rediscover yourself. Endings, while they are painful, can also lead you to new beginnings.

Life coaching provides a safe and supportive space for you to process emotions, rebuild confidence and rediscover yourself as you create a new path forward. Let’s look at some of the things you encounter on the path through a breakup, the process to understanding this past of the journey and how coaching can help you get from ‘somewhere lost’ to an empowered future.

Going through a breakup requires you to process a lot emotionally, mentally and physically. It can trigger grief, self doubt and anxiety among other equally powerful emotions which leave a deep and lasting impression. Coaching can help you to process these emotions in a healthy way instead of suppressing them or attempting to cover them up. Being able to honestly experience your emotions in the here and now with the support of a coach where you have no worry of being judged allows you to move through these feelings rather then avoiding them and potentially allowing them to have a negative hold on you.

It’s important to remember that this isn’t counselling. Your coach can help you process your emotions but isn’t focused on exploring feelings or your past in depth. Your coach is focused on supporting you to regain clarity, set goals and take purposeful steps towards rebuilding your life with intention.

Coaching offers a range of tools to support your overall well-being and growth. Learning techniques such as journaling, guided reflection and mindset shifting can help you untangle the emotional overwhelm that comes from the loss of a relationship.

You may experience feelings of being lost after a breakup, especially if your identity was closely tied up in the relationship. Have you found yourself wondering what you’re supposed to do now the other person is no longer in your life? If so, this could actually be an opportunity to really find out! Consider the following questions from a place of curiosity, rather than fear;

  • Who are you?

  • What are your values?

  • What are your interests?

  • How do you want to spend your time?

  • What do you want in your future?

You might not know the answers yet or you might find that your former partner still features in some of your answers and that’s okay for now. You in a transition, be patient with yourself. The questions above are not a one time thing; you can come back to them whenever you want to. I’ve found it powerful to ask questions like these early on with my clients and then return to them in later sessions and see how the answers have changed because it indicates significant internal shifts along an individuals path.

Coaching helps you rediscover who you are outside of the relationship. It’s a space focussed on you, safe for you to speak, be heard, explore and take action. It can be big steps or tiny tip-toe steps, it doesn’t matter, your pace is yours but it’s about progressing along your journey, your way.

An important step to take in your transition, is to let go of the past and break any negative habits, patterns and processes. They may have been useful in the past but they have a way of turning toxic and working against you in time. Coaching will help you to recognise limiting beliefs and replace them with positive and practical beliefs that will become a part of a strong foundation for moving forward.

Look closely at your limiting beliefs about love, self worth and relationships, then learn to let those go. Limiting beliefs hold you in place, keeping you rigid at a time when your mind and heart need to be open to allow new and positive patterns to flow in.

Learn to recognise unhealthy relationship patterns and create the boundaries you need to make empowered choices. We tend to learn the most from things that haven’t gone well, look at this with an honest mind and make notes. You’re just at the beginning of a new journey, it’s a great idea to draw an emotional map to help guide you! Coaching gives you the perspective to view your experiences and learn to prioritise yourself.

Consider what your vision for the future is. Create it with you in mind, not as part of a relationship. Just you. Allow yourself to open up to possibilities and dive into what you really want. This means exploring what a fulfilling life can look like as an individual first. Become reliant on nobody but yourself for your happiness and learn to truly love yourself. What do you want your life to look like as an individual?

Coaching helps you to shift from dwelling in the past and move towards building a positive and purpose driven future. This is a holistic transition, taking into account your emotions, your thoughts and your physical wellness. All aspects of your life are adaptable if you want to make changes and learning to recognise the opportunities (and when you may be neglecting yourself) become a natural part of your new processes.

Change can feel uncomfortable – especially if the change is not something you would have chosen – but it is necessary in order to grow.

Coaching can help you to embrace the uncertainties of change with curiosity and create a path of intention and fulfilment by recognising you unique self. With a life coach you will be encouraged to take control and actively move forward in the direction you want to go.

Instead of feeling stuck in feelings of hurt, rejection and isolation, you can develop your self love, your self care and create new connections that reinforce a healthy, vibrant and positive you.

A breakup can feel like the end of the world but you don’t have to go through it alone. I know it can feel like you’re trying to find your way in an unfamiliar forest and all the stars have gone out and you’re afraid of stumbling on the uneven ground or walking smack into a tree. You can reach out and grab a torch.

Breakups don’t define you, it’s the end of a chapter. The next one is all yours to create.

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Disclaimers; MindKind Central is not associated with Mind, the National Association for Mental Health.
                     All images on this website, except for those of myself, are modelled and for illustration purposes only.

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